Diagnostic Skin Analysis
Diagnostic Skin analysis - 15 mins = $20
An essential part of any skin care treatment and home care regime is an accurate Diagnostic Skin Analysis.
It is carried out to determine the following.

To discuss any concerns you have with your skin

Your expectations and needs for your skin

The elements regarding lifestlye factors

To evaluate the general health of the skin

To evaluate which salon products to use

To decide a treatment plan & protocol

To decide what products are needed for home maintenance
At the time of appointment you will need to bring all skincare, makeup, medication, vitamins and supplements. Arrive with a cleansed skin, without moisturisers and sunbloc.
A history of previous salon treatments & cosmetic procedures will also be required.
An advanced skin scanner combines a woods lamp (which reflects UV light off the surface of the skin, allowing us to look into the skin) with a magnifying lamp and mirror.
These tools aid our diagnosis and then provide visual evidence for a client regarding the health of their skin.
It is our job to find out the cause of the skin condition and to treat your skincare concerns, compiling a summary of our findings.
These tools are a great advantage to skin analysis and we recommend you don't have a salon treatment or purchase skin care without a full diagnosis.
Make a step in the right direction and have your skincare start working the way it was intended to.